Monday, May 30, 2005


Today I awoke bright and early at 4:30am UK time to fly to Venice. Fortunately, this trip was much smoother and I arrived in Venice on time at 10am. Leslie also had a nice flight from Philadelphia and met me at the airport. We then proceeded to catch the shuttle bus down to the dock where we took a water bus over to Piazza San Marco. From there we caught another water bus across the canal to the Salute stop. After walking around lost for a bit, we managed to find the Hotel Messner where we are staying. It took us 3 hours to get from the airport to the hotel. Pretty sad.

Once we got checked in and freshened up, we set out to see the sights of Venice. We're here for two days, so today we just wandered around the city, ate some pizza and pasta, and took a very pleasant gondole ride through the canals. I guess that's what everyone does when they come here, so we felt like we should partake as well. The gondole ride was 80 euros and lasted about 40 minutes. Not cheap, but you have to do it. I must say, it was pretty cool.

Tomorrow we will see the Basilica and all of the major tourist sites before leaving for Florence on Wednesday.


At 11:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another must in Venice is to get a Bellini at Harry's Bar in Venice (expensive but a must):

Inspiration for Bellini Travel born here. Are you sitting next to a celebrity? Fortified by a Bellini cocktail or two and a plate of heavenly tagliolini verdi con prosciutto e piselli you probably won't care. Frequented by a host of famous foreigners from Hemingway onwards. It is a fantastic restaurant.

From St Mark's Square for Accademia and take 1st left down Calle Valleressa. Harry's Bar is last on the left.


At 1:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another must see, is on the otherside of town. It is the convenant I stayed in while visiting. Stop in and say hi to the nuns for me, however, not sure the place is on the map :)

Can not beleive you dropped 80 Euro!! Makes London seem like a baragain. Not sure that is one I could have swallowed, must say I am cheaper than you for once....he he. But then again I steer far away from the typical touristy attractions, I prefer to do it on my own the crazy place way. Good job getting lost though, it was you are supposed to do in Italy.


At 3:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW, convenant = CONVENT


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