Monday, June 27, 2005

Only hamburgers here in Hamburg are in McDonalds

Yes, it's true. The only hamburgers I saw in Hamburg were in McDonalds and Burger King. BK is not air conditioned by the way, which just makes no sense at all. It's really hot here today. Definitely 85+.

Since it was so hot, I decided to go check out the art museum. First, I returned the car, which was super sad. But, it´s also nice to not have to worry about it any more too. Then I had breakfast at a local bakery. Rhubarb strudel and milchkaffe. Very good.

I walked by the big lake that is in the middle of the city. Nice views and very relaxing. Lots of people out jogging and walking.

The art museum is quite big and I saw some cool Renoir, Picasso, Rembrandt, Manet, and best of all Monet paintings. I also saw the Campbell´s soup cans and Marilyn Monroe paintings by Andy Warhol. That was pretty cool.

For lunch I had a traditional German meal of CurryWurst (type of long sausage) and fries along with an Alsterwasser (like an English shandy - beer mixed with 7up).

I walked around some more and checked out the St. Pauli area. Is this where that beer comes from? Not sure, but it was a nice area. Lots of cafes and students. I went down to the harbor again. I think that´s my favorite area of Hamburg. I also went into a Wal-Mart to see what it was like. Pretty much the same stuff we´re used to. After that I went back to the hotel to rest for a bit, use the internet, and change for dinner.

For dinner I went to a place recommended by my travel guide called La Sepia. It´s a Portugese seafood place. Had red snapper with citrus sauce. Not bad, but a bit overcooked. They did however make very good caipirinhas, which I enjoyed.

Next up, Amsterdam!


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