Saturday, June 18, 2005

On to Stuttgart!

Woke up bright and early at 6:30am to catch the 9am train to Stuttgart. This train was the ICE express and was very nice. Not at all crowded either. I spent my last Swiss Francs (only spent 100 in 2 days). After a 2:50hr ride, the train arrived exactly on time and I went off to seek out my hotel. The hotel was a last minute booking, so it was a bit farther out than I would have liked (not walking distance). After a little confusion, I figured out the bus/train system and caught the bus I needed to the hotel. After checking in and dropping off my stuff, I set out to explore.

Stuttgart seems very much like a university town with a very nice park and fountains. I grabbed a Mezzo Mix cola (basically a coke with orange made by the real Coca Cola). Interesting that they don´t have this in the U.S.

I also stopped at one of the numerous cafes and had an "eiskaffe". Now, this is a good idea. It´s a scoop of vanilla ice cream topped with coffee and whipped cream. Very popular and very good. After that I wandered down the main shopping area and bought some gummi bears at a gummi bear store. Pretty cool.

After that it was starting to get dark, so after some internet time, I went back to the hotel.


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